Sunday, March 2, 2014

How to be environmentally friendly

1. Travel by train, bus, bicycle or foot whenever possible. Limit your air travel, and consider taking a vacation closer to home.

2. Do not throw away toys, books or CDs that you don't want any more. Take them to a charity shop instead.

3. Do not fill a bath up to the brim. Alternatively, take a shower if you can.

4. Don't leave water running while you brush your teeth.
  • Fix all dripping taps as soon as possible - a dripping tap wastes up to 50 litres of water a year.
5. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Some ideas to follow include:
  • Reuse fabric bags when you go grocery shopping.
  • Use rechargeable batteries.
  • Buy items that are 100% recycled and recyclable.
  • Recycle drinking containers and cardboard.
  • Give old clothing to a thrift store or charity. Worn clothes can be recycled as rags or for pet shelters.
6. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs. They consume less power and last years longer then conventional incandescent light bulbs.

7. Put your trash where it belongs. Do you part to reduce litter and place your garbage in a garbage bag and your recycling in the proper bin.
  • For smokers: Carry an old film container with you and place your cigarette butts in the container as opposed to tossing them on the ground.
8. Green your eating habits.
  • Buy fresh products. Frozen, canned and processed products cost more energy to make. Buy fresh products which are more healthy for you and the environment.
  • Eat foods that are organic when possible, locally grown, seasonal, and non-genetically modified.
9. Eat less meat. The production of meat needs a lot of energy and water, try to eat at least one time a week vegetarian or eat smaller portions of meat.

10 Get chickens for your garden. A chicken recycles a lot of kitchen waste and you get in return a lot of fresh eggs.

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